Report Potholes
City & County:
City Pothole Report Phone Line at (808)768-7777.
email either or both of the following: MSWClerk@hawaii.gov OR complainthighwayoahu@hawaii.gov
State Pothole Report Phone Line at (808)536-7852.
State roads on Oahu:
Kalanianaole Highway
Kahekili Highway
H-1, H-2 and H-3 (including on- and off-ramps)
Pali Highway, from Vineyard Boulevard to Kailua Road
Likelike Highway
Nimitz Highway
Most of Farrington Highway
Ala Moana Boulevard
Vineyard Boulevard
Liliha Street, between H-1 Freeway and North King Street
For Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) maintained roads, please call (808)566-2299
HART-maintained roads:
Farrington Highway, between Kahi Mohala to Waipahu High School Athletic Field
Kamehameha Highway, between Sam's Club to the West Bound Moanalua Road exit
Kamehameha Highway, just west of Arizona Memorial Place and Kalaloa Street eastward to the H-1 ramps, including the frontage roads to Nimitz Highway.
Nimitz Highway from Valkenburgh Street to Aolele Street. Most of Kamehameha Hwy.
City & County Live Traffic Camera
City & County Dept. of Transportation Services (DTS) contact list
State Department of Transportation (DOT)
City & County Motor Vehicle Registration
State of HI Driver’s License
City & County TheBus
Human Welfare Services — https://humanservices.hawaii.gov/
Vulnerable Adults https://humanservices.hawaii.gov/ssd/home/adult-services/
Children https://humanservices.hawaii.gov/ssd/home/child-welfare-services/
Domestic Abuse Hotlines
Child Abuse or Neglect Reporting (808)832-5300
Child Trafficking Reporting (808)832-1999
Adult Abuse or Neglect Reporting (808)832-5115
State of HI Disability Parking Placards
Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) and Financial Benefits Kupuna Resources:
Kupuna Services
State Senior Medicare Patrol (808)586-7281
Medicare Call Center (800)633-4227
Social Security (800)772-1213
Hawaii Meals on Wheels www.hmow.org (808)988-6747 Volunteer delivered, hot, nutritious lunches and dinners to those who qualify.
Lanakila Meals on Wheels www.lanakila.org (808)531-0555 A senior’s doctor or care coordinator could make a referral for meals to be delivered by Lanakila Meals on Wheels. Meals can also be purchased weekly for $8.50/meal.
Kupuna Kokua www.kupunakokua.org Pick up/delivery of groceries, medications, or meals so that Oahu residents can stay home. Accepting requests from anyone. You must pay for your purchase ahead of time.
Keiki to Kupuna www.keikitokupuna.org (808)768-7700 Meal delivery for seniors – need based and private pay.
Catholic Charities Phone-A-Friend www.catholiccharitieshawaii.org (808)527-4777 Provides regularly scheduled calls for seniors who live alone or are socially isolated with little or no outside contact outside the home.
AARP Neighbors Helping Neighbors www.aarpmutualaid.zendesk.com 1-888-281-0145 Request a phone call from a volunteer
Department of Public Safety — www.DPS.Hawaii.gov
Emergency - Police, Fire, Ambulance — 911
State Civil Defense: Hawaii Emergency Management Agency — (808)733-4300
State Highway Safety Hotline — (808)831-6714; (808)485-6200 (after hours)
Handi-Van Operations, Dept. of Transportation Services — (808)768-8300
Noise Complaints-To immediately report a noise complaint, please call either the Department of Health or the Honolulu Police Department. You may also complete and submit the form below.
Hawaii Department of Health:(808)586-4700
Honolulu Police Department (808)529-3111
Food Safety - To report an illness after eating at a restaurant or consuming a ready-to-eat food product, please contact the Department of Health:
Oahu Disease Reporting Line: (808)586-4586
Report Abandoned Vehicles (808)768-2530
Report Damaged Sidewalks (808)768-8118
Clean Stream Project (808)768-7890
Neighborhood Board Meetings - For information on the Honolulu City Council, Neighborhood Boards, and other City and County departments and agencies, see http://www.honolulu.gov/nco/boards.html
Mililani-Waipio Neighborhood Board
North Shore Neighborhood Board
City & County Pet ID
HFD Fireworks Permits
Waste Collection and Bulky Pickup
Department of Environmental Services, please call: (808)768-3200.
Complaints About Public Trees
City & County of Honolulu Division of Urban Forestry at (808)971-7151
Report Graffiti
HPD Graffiti Hotline at (808)723-3475
Mayor’s Graffiti Hotline: (808)768-5180
Park Maintenance - For mowing, watering, restroom cleanliness, swimming pool, tree trimming, playing fields, parking, etc.
Department of Parks and Recreation
Central Oahu Office (808)677-8849
The Department of Land and Natural Resources
Division of State Parks (808)587-0300
Click here for a Comprehensive Disaster Preparedness Checklist For more information on disaster preparedness, emergency kit checklists, and more, please visit:
Emergency Kit Prep
Health Emergency Prep
Homeowner's Handbook on Natural Disasters (University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program)
Unemployment and Relief Programs
General Information
Quarantine Exemption
Hawaii Tourism Authority